Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lose the Day Job

One of the most lucrative, and probably the most exploited “money-earning” tools in the internet is the affiliate website. The success of this system may depend greatly on SEO, or the Search Engine Optimization, which is responsible for the traffic that your website gets. This traffic is the one responsible for the clicks that your ads get, and thus, the money you earn.

So why step if you can take a leap?

As I said, the success of the affiliate website like may depend on the SEO. This means that mastering SEO could give your affiliate website a leap over other websites. But before you can exploit the potentials of SEO, and consequently, of affiliate website, there are considerations to be taken first.

The most basic thing in SEO is the keywords.

First stop, planning. You should be aware of the interest of the netizens, or the people in the internet. By this I mean that you should know what keywords people put in search engines.

Now generating these keywords is as easy as 1, 2 and 3 since there are free analytic websites that will give a hint on what keywords generate more traffic. Once you determine which keywords generate more hits, you will now be able to saturate your website contents to lead web surfers into your site. And thus, lead them to your advertisers’ ads.

Another good method to generate a keyword is by typing in few important and related keywords in the search engines. Then survey the resulting websites of words common to them all. You may use these repeated words to your website to improve your traffic.

Remember that this will never guarantee the success of your affiliate website. But the thing is you will have hard time clinching the promise of affiliate websites if you’re not going to master the “keywording” part of SEO.

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